Donate Today

With your support, our mission to develop, nurture, and maintain an informed, engaged, and civil New Hampshire citizenry is within our reach.

Help keep NH Civics free!

With your support, our mission to develop, nurture, and maintain an informed, engaged, and civil New Hampshire citizenry is within our reach.

Thank you for supporting NH Civics!

We rely entirely on philanthropy to keep our resources and programs free and relevant. Your tax-deductible donation will help us further our reach and deepen our impact in NH.

Use the donation form to the right to make a one-time or recurring tax-deductible online donation today. As a 501(c)(3) organization committed to keeping our programs free and accessible to all, every donation, no matter the size, makes a great impact.

For those who prefer to send a donation by mail, please make checks payable to “NH Civics” and mail to: NH Civics,  2 White Street, Concord, NH 03301.

Include NH Civics in Your Estate Plan

Making a provision for the NH Civics in your will or trust is a meaningful way to make an investment in the future of creating an informed New Hampshire citizenry actively engaged in a civil, open-minded democratic process. Through this final gift, you will be making an investment in developing, nurturing, and maintaining an informed, engaged, and civil New Hampshire citizenry.

Estate Plan

Our Principles

To ensure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in our organization, we have adopted the principles laid out in the Donor Bill of Rights and the Code of Ethical Standards.

Donor Bill of Rights

The Code of Ethical Standards



Our Supporters

Learn more about our generous supporters.

Our Supporters

“As an early investor, we are so gratified to see the success of NH Civics. Their programming strengthens the New Hampshire we all know and love.”

– Peter Lamb, Trustee, William W. Treat Foundation

The Importance of NH Civics